Story of three fish
In the small pond, three fish lived. The fish were green, savvy and intelligent, the orange fish were less intelligent, and the fish were red, bumpy and feeble. One day two fishermen crossed the pond and set out to take their tour to catch fish. Three fish heard the fishermen's words. The green fish, who was smart and clever without any time losing, escaped the narrow path that connected the water catchment to the blue stream. Tomorrow fishermen arrived and closed the pond. The orange fish, who had just realized the danger, said to myself, if I did not think wisely sooner, I would be captured by fishermen. So he drowned himself and came to the surface of the water. One fisherman who thought the fish was dead, took him out of the water and threw water into the water, and the fish took advantage of this opportunity and fled. The redfish, which did not use its wisdom and thought in a timely manner, went so far to and fro so that the fishermen fell.